The Fiscal Rule Act provides for the possibility of concluding cooperation agreements with institutional units of the general government sector, which are obliged to provide the Fiscal Council with all the information, analyses and data at their disposal (Par 7 Art 10). Fiscal Council concluded such agreements with the Institute for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Finance. Fiscal Council also co-operates with other domestic institutions, which provide data or are consulted regarding their views on macroeconomic developments and fiscal policy orientation.
Fiscal Council also co-operates with international institutions. The purpose of joining international networks of independent fiscal institutions is to follow the current trends in budgetary surveillance, the exchange of information and the transfer of good practices of similar institutions. The Fiscal Council, like other institutions, which formulate and execute economic policy in Slovenia, also cooperates with international institutions, such as International Monetary Fund, European Commission or rating agencies. In such contacts the Council presents and explains its views on the macroeconomic and fiscal developments in Slovenia.
Memorandums of understanding (in Slovene)
Sporazum o sodelovanju med Fiskalnim svetom in Ministrstvom za finance
Aneks k Sporazumu o sodelovanju med Fiskalnim svetom in Ministrstvom za finance
Sporazum o sodelovanju med Fiskalnim svetom in Uradom RS za makroekonomske analize in razvoj
EU IFI – European Union’s Independent Fiscal Institutions) is a voluntary and informal network of independent fiscal institutions, which provides a platform to exchange views and information among its members, but without the participation of EU institutions. The EU IFI prepares a short publication with information on public finance developments in member states twice a year, which includes Fiscal Council’s view on short-term and longer-term fiscal issues and challenges.
Within OECD there is a network of independent fiscal institutions that provides a platform for exchanging information and good practices. On the basis of multi-annual cooperation and monitoring the OECD also drew up good practice guidelines for the effective operation of fiscal councils. Within the framework of the aforementioned network of independent fiscal institutions, the OECD also keeps a database which, since summer 2017, has also included Slovenia, and which serves as a survey of the main features of independent fiscal institutions.